Who am I? - Who are they? continued...

What skills do I have?
These are just a few of the skills I have learnt over the past few years, but are ones which I have enjoyed the most and wish to edulge into further.
  • Type
  • Layout
  • Packaging
  • Print
  • Software
I am unsure as to where I would fit in in the industry, and which category I wish to endulge in, and I hope to figure this out before I venture into the third year.

Who needs them?

What skills are needed and how do I go about developing them?
I think one of the main skills I need to develop is my organisation, not so much organising my work, but organising my project and time. Management skills and team leading skills are something else I feel if improved would be very benificial to me, and would be something that would be required for a job.

In terms of how I go about developing these skills, I feel I will have the oppertunity when working in teams at college. I need to speak up more and voice my opinion, so hopefully there will be the chance to work as a collaberation. I could also practice these skills around the studio when talking to fellow students.

I will also have the oppertunity to develop these skills when gaining experience in the industry over the summer. I plan to gain work experience with a large number of Graphic Design agencies, and hopefully experience a good variety of atmospheres. I hope to come back into the third year with a lot more confidence, and knowlegde of how the industry works.

What are your professional/creative aims and how do they relate to the needs of the world at large?
As I mentioned before, I would really like to be a freelance Graphic Designer. However, I know I would benefit more by going into a business first and learning exactly how it works. This could possibly make me more sucessful.

In terms of working in a business, I would like to be in an relaxed enviroment, with a variety of people around me, for example, illustrators, photographers etc. I'd like it to be how we are in the studio now, feeding off each other and helping each other.


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